Monday, December 30, 2019

Psychological Dispositions Pedophilia and Paraphilia Essay

Pedophilia is one of several psychological dispositions referred to as paraphilias. Paraphilia is a condition where sexual arousal is dependent on fantasizing about engaging in sexual behavior considered atypical or extreme (Psychology Today, 2014). Pedophilia and other paraphilia are viewed as mental illness that is abnormal, distasteful, weird, kinky and totally unacceptable by most people (Psychology Today, 2014). One of the most hated, reviled, and public enraging individuals in society is a pedophile. Most equate pedophilia with a sexual molester of children or some sort of perverted freak. There is considerable misunderstanding about pedophilia. In a 1990 research study, the authors state â€Å"there is widespread belief among†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"To expand the definition of this disorder to include hebephilia, an attraction to children who are going through puberty. The hybrid category, pedohebephilia, would consist of the pedophilic type (attraction to chil dren younger than 11), the hebephilic type (attracted to children ages 11 through 14), and the pedohebephilic type (attracted to both). The draft suggests the use of pornography depicting prepubescent or pubescent children for six months or longer should be considered a symptom of pedohebephilic† (Harvard Mental Health, 2010 a, p.3). There is much debate as to whether the hebephilic type should be entered into the DSM-V as a disorder. Some researchers support removing the term from the DSM altogether (Renshaw, 2003). Researchers from CWYA say in their report pro-pedophilia groups are pressuring the American Psychological Association to normalize pedophilia the same way pro-homosexual groups did in the 1970’s. They also report while these groups complain of being stigmatized they use language to manipulate and desensitize people into believing pedophilia is not harmful. Instead of the term pedophiles CWYA says pro-pedophilia groups use milder terms such as â€Å"minor-attracted persons†. Yet another tactic is to label the opposition referring to them as bigots Who in Their Right Mind Would Normalize Pedophilia? (n.d.) Research Why some adults are sexually attracted to children is unclear. TheShow MoreRelatedJeffrey Dahmer : Understanding Criminal Minds2895 Words   |  12 Pagestold his parents that he was not interested in schoolwork and that he was very shy. Jeffrey was growing more and more isolated, lacking a parental figure, his father was too involved in his activities, and his mother was suffering from serious psychological problems† (Casey et al, 2000). Jeffrey showed a low patience to frustration, rather he was showing nothing at all, only silence. The way he handled his problems was to go walking in the woods or exploring animal’s interiors. The disease of hisRead MoreEssay on Pedophiles and the Criminal Justice System8452 Words   |  34 Pagesso we may begin to put an end to this vicious crime. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;What is a pedophile? The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-111-R; American Psychiatric Association, 1987) lists the essential features of pedophilia as â€Å" recurrent, intense, sexual urges and sexually arousing fantasies, of at least six months duration, involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child† (p.284). The prepubescent child is normally thirteen years old or younger. (Murray, 2000)

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Reflection Paper Of Erikson - 1131 Words

Erik Erikson brought new ideas into the psychological community when he developed his eight stages of psychosocial development. Erikson spent time observing people and how they interact with society. As a future educator, Erikson’s theory is going to play a major role in personal choices and choices made for and about future students. This theory has impacted the psychological community, as well as the education community. Erikson moved from Europe to come to the United States of America. As an immigrant, he was looking for his place to fit into the world. Erikson wanted an identity in America, but he soon realized the hard work of pleasing the self while attempting to please society (Douvan, 1996). Voluntarily, he became an outsider to†¦show more content†¦The mother has a significant role in this stage, because she is responsible for the infant’s food and affection. However, if this role is not satisfied by the mother or another person, the sense of mistrust that will develop can follow the infant into adulthood. The second stage is autonomy vs. doubt where the child will start to take actions for themselves. The child will become less dependent from their caregivers and establish a sense of autonomy. Helicopter parents can create a sense of doubt in their children if they do not let them establish their own independence. The third stage is initiative vs. guilt. In this stage, the chi ld is exploring their world and starting to realize who they are becoming. If their natural urges are punished, they could be inhibited later in life. Stage four is industry vs. inferiority, in which the parent influence starts to lessen, and children want to make and create things on their own. Failure and success are big components at this age as the children begin to realize that there are standards in the world for them to meet. The fifth stage is identity vs. role confusion where adolescence start to realize what type of person they want to become. Many people do not make it out of this stage, which results in a confused state of their personal role in the world. The sixth stage is intimacy vs. isolation. This stage is for young adults as they begin to find people to spend theShow MoreRelatedErik Erikson s Psychosocial Development1629 Words   |  7 PagesReflection Paper #4 Erik Erikson’s psychosocial stages theory suggests that people pass through eight distinctive developmental stages as they grow and change throughout their lives. Integrity versus despair is the eighth and final stage of Erikson’s stage theory of psychosocial development. This stage begins at approximately age 60 and ends at death. The crisis represented by this last life stage is integrity versus despair. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

La Shampoo Free Essays

La Shampoo is a high quality and more expensive product that has the same marketing strategy over years. From 1989, the line start to slowly decline its sales. The ad agency tried to develop new look campaign, but this solution did nothing for La Shampoo sales and customers didn’t even noticed the change. We will write a custom essay sample on La Shampoo or any similar topic only for you Order Now Caroline, the brand manager wanted a new marketing plan to improve the sales and increase the market share, not to just keep the product remain on retailer’s shelves. She made a marketing meeting with Eric, her product sales manager, and Beth, the representative of the advertisement agency that held La Shampoo account, to discuss their recommendation. 1. Compete on Price : Eric’s solution is to reduce prices permanently as long as long term plan to save major accounts that in danger. Eric argued that the brand will died if we didn’t act very quickly and he saw his solution as a rescuer. Reduce prices is very helpful solution in supporting sales reps and increase sales volume at least for short time ,but it is not good in building the brand and increasing the brand market share for many reasons . First of all, competing in the price could be very dangerous if other brands lower their prices too specially if they are offering benefits La Shampoo can’t provide, like â€Å"beautiful hair from natural sources†. Secondly , price- driven consumers are not loyal ,so they will go with another brand that is cheaper. 2. Strong Brand Campaign : Beth’s solution is to create new advertisement campaign. This solution seemed better to improve sales ,but there is still no specific changes Beth suggested to repositioning La Shampoo on the customers’ minds. This solution is good if the marketing researches found out the causes of the sales’ decline. Then the new advertisement’s campaign should focus in repairing La Shampoo image and correcting the mistakes that happened in the previous years. So to obtain this solution marketing researches should be done deeply to better understanding customers . Facts About the Brand: * Brand that has been used mostly between its competitors in the category for two decades must have strong brand equity. * La Shampoo has boor brand management ,because they went from the problem to the solution without auses diagnosis. * Restaging the brand will require a lot of resources. * The alternative proposed by Marni Shin are likely to be too late , the competitor already filled the shelves with such a product . My Recommendations: After doing all researches and surveys needed on the target segment which I think is better to be women between ages of 15 to 50, I suggest two marketing strategies. The first one is for the existing customer base who still buy the product and doesn’t like changes. The other one is for attracting new customer by introducing some values La Shampoo can produce to them. These two plans should consider the following: * * In doing the researches , should make sure about asking the right question to know the attitude for loyal and former users. * Today’s customers are very sensitive about the values they will get for each dollar they pay. So the advertising campaign must focus on the benefits consumer will have by using the brand such as healthy hair and easy style getting. La Shampoo slogan â€Å"For the Look and Feel of France † is meaningless for the current environment, the people now don’t want to look French. * Some new trails and usages must be found for the brand to communicate them in the new ad campaign. * Keep some product lines without any change for whom already use the product and to keep the base customers. * The new advertisements should support La Shampoo in tapping new customers and protect the current users. How to cite La Shampoo, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Plant, any member of the plant kingdom, comprising Essay Example For Students

Plant, any member of the plant kingdom, comprising Essay about 260,000 known species of mosses, liverworts, ferns, herbaceous and woody plants, bushes, vines, trees, and various other forms that mantle the earth and are also found in its waters. Plants range in size and complexity from small, nonvascular mosses, which depend on direct contact with surface water, to giant redwood trees, the largest living organisms, which can draw water and minerals through their vascular systems to elevations of more than 100 m (more than 330 ft). Only a tiny percentage of plant species are directly used by humans for food, shelter, fiber, and drugs. At the head of the list are rice, wheat, corn, legumes, cotton, conifers, and tobacco, on which whole economies and nations depend. Of even greater importance to humans are the indirect benefits reaped from the entire plant kingdom and its more than 3 billion years of carrying out photosynthesis. Today the worlds biomass is composed overwhelmingly of plants, which not only underpin all food webs but also modify climates and create and hold down soil, making what would otherwise be stony, sandy masses habitable for life. Cell Structure and Function The tremendous variety of plant species is, in part, a reflection of the many distinct cell types that make up individual plants. Fundamental similarities exist among all these cell types, however, and these similarities indicate the common origin and the interrelationships of the different plant species. Each individual plant cell is at least partly self-sufficient, being isolated from its neighbors by a cell membrane, or plasma membrane, and a cell wall. The membrane and wall allow the individual cell to carry out its functions. Tissue Systems There are many variants of the generalized plant cell and its parts. Similar kinds of cells are organized into structural and functional units, or tissues, which make up the plant as a whole, and new cells (and tissues) are formed at growing points of actively dividing cells. These growing points, called meristems, are located either at the stem and root tips, where they are responsible for the primary growth of plants, or laterally in stems and roots, where they are responsible for secondary plant growth. Three tissue systems are recognized in vascular plants: dermal, vascular, and ground. Dermal System The dermal system consists of the epidermis, or outermost layer, of the plant body. It forms the skin of the plant, covering the leaves, flowers, roots, fruits, and seeds. Epidermal cells vary greatly in function and structure. The epidermis may contain stomata, openings through which gases are exchanged with the atmosphere. Specialized cells called guard cells, which, through changes in their size and shape, alter the size of the stomatal openings and in effect, regulate the gas exchange, surround these openings. The epidermis is covered with a waxy coating called the cuticle, which functions as a waterproofing layer and thus reduces water loss from the plant surface through evaporation. Vascular System The vascular tissue system consists of two kinds of conducting tissues: the xylem, responsible for conduction of water and dissolved mineral nutrients, and the phloem, responsible for conduction of food. The xylem also stores food and helps support the plant. Xylem The xylem consists of two types of conducting cells: tracheids and vessels. Elongated cells, with tapered ends and secondary walls, both types lack cytoplasm and are dead at maturity. The walls have pitsareas in which secondary thickening does not occurthrough which water moves from cell to cell. Vessels usually are shorter and broader than tracheids, and in addition to pits they have perforation. Phloem The phloem, or food-conducting tissue, consists of cells that are living at maturity. The principal cells of phloem, the sieve elements, are so called because of the clusters of pores in their walls through which the protoplasts of adjoining cells are connected. Two types of sieve elements occur: sieve cells, with narrow pores in rather uniform clusters on the cell walls, and sieve-tube members, with larger pores on some walls of the cell than on others. Although the sieve elements contain cytoplasm at maturity, the nucleus and other organelles are lacking. Associated with the sieve elements are companion cells that do contain nuclei and that are responsible for manufacturing and secreting substances into the sieve elements and removing waste products from them. Christmas EssayThe leaf blade is connected to the stem through a narrowed portion called the petiole, or stalk, which consists mostly of vascular tissue. Appendages called stipules are often present at the base of the petiole. Many specialized forms of leaves occur. Some are modified as spines, which help protect plants from predators. Certain groups of plants possess highly modified leaves that trap and digest insects, providing needed nutrients. Some leaves are brightly colored and petal-like, serving to attract pollinators to otherwise small, unattractive flowers. Perhaps the most highly modified leaves are flowers themselves. The individual parts of flowersstamens, petals, and sepalsare all modified leaves that have taken on reproductive functions. Growth and Differentiation The growth and differentiation of the various plant tissue and organ systems are controlled by various internal and external factors. Ecology Rooted as they are in the ground, plants are commonly thought of as leading sedentary, vegetative, passive lives. A look, however, at the ingeniously developed interactions that plants have with their biological surroundings quickly corrects this notion. Cooperation and Competition Many plant species exist as separate male and female plants, and pollen from male flowers must reach the female flowers in order for pollination and seed development to take place. The agent of pollination is sometimes the wind (a part of the physical environment), but in many cases it is an insect, bat, or bird. Plants may also rely on agents for dispersing their seed. Thus, after pollination, cherry trees develop cherries that attract birds, which ingest the fruit and excrete the cherrystones in more distant terrain. Plants have evolved many other mutually beneficial relationships, such as the nitrogen-fixing bacteria that occur in the nodules on the roots of legumes. Many prairie grasses and other plants that flourish on open land depend on various herbivores to keep forests from closing in and shading them. In the competition among plants for light, many species have evolved such mechanisms as leaf shape, crown shape, and increased height in order to intercept the suns rays. In addition, many plants produce chemical substances that inhibit the germination or establishment of seeds of other species near them, thus excluding competing species from mineral resources as well as light.